Church-Based Theological Education.
Okanagan Bible College offers recognized degrees that are affordable and attainable. Work at your own pace and get the world-class education you have always wanted.
Undergraduate tuition - $77 CAD per credit
Graduate tuition - $185 CAD per credit
Contact us for information on our monthly subscription plan, which offers reduced tuition costs.
Earn your Undergraduate or Graduate degree
and learn from world-renowned lecturers @
Anytime, Anywhere.
Biblical training and equipping in a church context.
OBC has students in 19 countries.
Church-based, Theological Education has never been more accessible, affordable and achievable.
OBC is equipping for today.
Online Seminary Information
The Benefits of an Online Seminary Education
Online seminary education provides a transformative experience that transcends geographical boundaries, empowering individuals to deepen their faith, broaden their perspectives, and engage in meaningful dialogue and service for spiritual growth and theological exploration.
Tips for Graduating from an Online College: Navigating the Journey
By establishing clear goals, creating a structured schedule, prioritizing self-care, seeking support and community, staying focused and flexible, and celebrating milestones, you can pave the way for a fulfilling and transformative academic experience culminating in graduation.
Pursuing a Master's Degree in Theological Studies and Christian Leadership
Qualifying for a master's degree in theological studies or Christian leadership is not merely a goal to be achieved; it is a sacred journey—a journey of discovery, growth, and transformation. It is an invitation to embrace the richness of the Christian tradition, to deepen one's relationship with God, and to discern one's unique calling in service to the world.